
28 Jun, 2024

Edo State's Digital Revolution: JOOPSA's Batch 7 Computer Training Empowers Edo Workforce for a Tech-Savvy Future"

In a significant stride towards technological advancement of the 2000 Edo workforce and empowerment, the Edo State Government has ended the seventh batch of its highly successful computer training program at the John Odigie Oyegun Public Service Academy (JOOPSA). This initiative, aimed at equipping her workforce with essential computer skills, promises to transform futures and foster a tech-savvy generation.


The training program, which kicked off earlier this month, has already seen a large turnout of eager participants. The curriculum covers a wide array of topics, including basic computer appreciation and operations. By offering these cutting-edge skills, the Edo State Government is committed to bridging the digital divide and preparing public and civil servants for the demands of the modern workforce.


The Director-General of JOOPSA, Imuwahen Ajoonu emphasized the importance of digital education in today’s world. "In an era where technology drives progress, it is imperative that no one is left behind. This training program at JOOPSA is a testament to our commitment to empowering effective service delivery and ensuring they have the skills needed to thrive in a digital economy," said Imuwahen Ajoonu.


The program has garnered widespread praise from both participants and stakeholders. Many trainees have expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to acquire valuable skills that will enhance their employment prospects. "I am thrilled to be part of this program. The knowledge I am gaining here is invaluable, and I am confident it will significantly improve my career opportunities," said Ayeni Lucky.


In addition to hands-on training, the program includes mentorship sessions with industry experts, providing participants with insights into the practical applications of their skills. This holistic approach ensures that trainees are not only proficient in technical skills but also understand the real-world implications and opportunities in the tech industry.


The Edo State Government’s initiative is part of a broader strategy to upskill 2000 the Edo workforce in digital inclusion and public service delivery in the region. By investing in the education and skills of its workforce, the government aims to create a sustainable and prosperous future for all its citizens.


As the Batches of the computer training program at JOOPSA progresses, the positive impact on the participants and their skills becomes increasingly evident. The Edo State Government remains committed to expanding and enhancing this initiative, ensuring more public and civil servants have access to the tools and knowledge needed to succeed in a digital world.


Odigie Etinosa N.